Finally have time to update my blog after these hectic and tiring days...
I supposed to blog this last weekend yet not enough times for me to do all the stuffs in just a 2-day weekend.
Deng deng deng deng.. Pan Cakes for last Saturday's breakfast.

Somehow i forget to take the photos step by step. :p
These ingredients are enough to make 20 pieces of little pan cakes as above.
- Flour 125g
- Fine Sugar 25g
- Butter 40g
- 1 Egg
- Fresh Milk 140g
How to make:
- Mix the milk and egg together.
- Next, mix well with the flour.
- Then, mix with melted butter. You can use a spoon to soften and melten the butter.
- Heat up the pan and put a little bit of oil.
- Then, use a big scoope to scope up the mixing and put it on the pan.
- Wait till the surface of the creamy dough pops up some bubbles, then you can turn it over.
- Wait till the pan cakes turn into light golden brown, put them on the plate and decorate it with your favourite fruits or nuts.
- You can put some honey or butter on it, depends on your taste.
Difficulty: 1/5
Actually, I wanted to make dollar pan cakes, which are small and in round shapes. But, my pan is not flat enough at the center although it is a flat frying pan!!!! Ended up with flower petal style pan cakes.. :D
And not forgeting, a promoter who is hired to promote the pan cakes.. *wink *wink :P