Sunday, May 24, 2009

Restaurant City on Facebook

I want egg!!!!!... Salad hard to get!!! hmm.. tomato also hard to get leh.. ... ...

RC RC.. At first I was stunned and thought that it was something to do with RC filter but later realized that it is a new short form for Restaurant City by PlayFish.

I have been so so so crazy about this game these days.. Crazy to up level, crazy to feed the workers, crazy to go to other people's restaurant, study their menu and trade the ingredients, crazy to level up the dishes.. and recently I get to know we could get award (trash talker award) by picking up the bananas, breads and soft drink cans on the floor. Wat!!?? Like that also can?? >.<

I have no idea for my restaurant's name yet, so it is named after me at this moment and haven't decorated my restaurant yet (busy to up level and earn money), so it is still a "conventional" and inauspicious restaurant.. haha..

My restaurant serves lobster soup as the starter, spaghetti carbonara as the main course and fruit selection as the dessert. I have circled the ingredients needed, do keep an eye for me..

Egg, lemon, banana, strawberry, apple, butter, lobster... anyone? >.<

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Yummy Scrambled Egg

It's simple. Just need 30 minutes and you can enjoy a wonderful breakfast made by your own on Saturday and Sunday morning. I tried out a new recipe this morning and oh man, this is really the best scrambled egg that I have ever tasted!

Really thanks the baking engineer for sharing out this new recipe and youtube video. See it and learn it. You are gonna love this scrambled egg.


1) Mushroom

2) Tomato/Cherry Tomato3) Eggs
4) Cream Cheese/Cheddar Cheese
5) Pepper & Salt

Just able to capture the first step - put the mushroom and tomato nicely into the pan. Then sprinkled some salt on the mushroom. Hehe.. the rest you learn it through you tube video lar. :) Served together with my favourite 3 in 1 nescafe and Sinyi drank milo with nestum. Perfect breakfast! Yummy yummy! :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

HK Series - 巾帼枭雄主题曲 <<红蝴蝶>>

TVB 最近期的连续集 - 巾帼枭雄。已经追到第十四集了,感觉还不错,有好几幕看到眼泪几乎掉下来。唔,现在仍然有继续想看下去的欲望,但却不能写保单接下来是否依然有爆点。你知道啦,有好多TVB的连续集大结局都是草草了事,见怪不怪。




吴卓羲 - 红蝴蝶
作曲:叶肇中、邓智伟 作词:陈诗慧

愁云和月之间 也不孤单
流水透彻出我俩 沿路满布风霜也雪亮
天空灰暗 爱得到了景仰
世间什麽爱叫纯洁 你甘愿化振翅红蝴蝶
饱经挫折 伤口淌血都不至会磨灭
世间什麽爱叫纯洁 处在绝望仍力竭
举杯畅饮河边秀美 奏一阙曲传千里
斜阳随着清风 已幽幽泛起
你的美比繁花更美 我心却只能希冀

Thursday, May 14, 2009




Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Back in 1980's

Back in 1980's.. Photo taken in 2009..

Ding Dang, Tora, Jojo, Nano-Nano and... Rocky in chocolate and strawberry flavours
(ehh.. rocky was not in that zaman)

Ligo, Choki Choki, Tic Tac, Mentos.. Oh no, i forget the one... the biscuit sticks which we used to dip with strawberry or chocolate. Could anyone help me?

And I bought Rockys...